Tuesday, September 3, 2013

U.G.C Sponsored Two Days National Conference on

U.G.C Sponsored Two Days National Conference on
Organized by
Walchand College of Arts and Science, Department of Social Work, Solapur (Maharashtra)
Date: 6th – 7th September 2013
1st Day 6th September 2013


Programme Details

Resource Person
9.00 to 10.00 am

Registration for the Conference

Mr. Supekar

10.00 to 11.50 am
Inaugural  Programme and Key Note Address for the Conference
Topic: “Need for Innovations in Social Work Education in India; Recognizing  Challenges and Expanding  Horizon”

Dr. Deepak Walokar,
Karve Institute of Social Service, Pune
Session –I

Paper Presentation
                                 (Theme: Innovations in Social Work Education)
Chair person
                             Dr. B.T. Lawani
Coordinator: V.V.Mahajan

11.50 -12.00
Structural Social Innovation: Towards a new Paradigm in Contemporary Social Work Education and Practice in India
Dr. Chandrakant Puri
12.00-12.10 p.m
                         Innovative Methods of Teaching in Social work Education
Mrs. Kavitha M.R
12.10- 12.20 p.m
Need of Innovation: Social Work Practicum in India

Mr. Banashankarayya &
12.20-12.30 p.m
Extension in Higher Education: Distinctive Features
Dr. Satish Shirsath

12.40-12.50 p.m
Need for Innovations in Social Work Education


12.50-12.50 p.m
Innovative Teaching in Social Work Education:
Discovering New Initiatives and Ways
Mr.Kumar Satyam
12.50-1.00 p.m
Innovations in Social Work Education: A Case Study of Department of Social Work, Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur
Mr.  C.A.Joshi

1.00-1.10 p.m
Generating Indigenous Knowledge For Social Work Through Participatory Approach: An Innovative Framework
          Mr. Nitin Tayde and Mr. Jitendra Gandhi

1.10 to 1.20 p.m
Social Work Education: Need for innovation in field work practices
                             Dr.  Vijay J. Mane
1.20 to 1.30
Anthological Understanding of Social Work Practice
Dr. Prashant S. Bhosale, Dr. Jagdish U. Jadhav and Jayashri Deore
1.30 p.m to 2.00 p.m


2.00 to 2.30 p.m
Technical Session- II
Topic: “Innovative Practices in Social Work Research: An Indian Perspective”
Dr.B. T. Lawani,
Dean, Arts, Commerce and Social Sciences, Bharati Vidyapeeth University,

Paper Presentation
(Theme: Innovations in Social Work Research)
Chair person for the Session
Prof. Dr. Chandrakant Puri
Coordinator: Dr. N. C. Waghmare

2.30 to 2.40pm
Innovative Practices in Social Work Research
Dr. B.T.Lawani
2.40 - 2.50 p.m
Known Ignorance is an Organized Crime: Research in Social Work
                         Mr. Sandeep Jagdale

2.50 – 3.00 p.m
Awareness and Utilization of Safe Motherhood Services in Rural Blocks of Solapur District- Need for Social Work Intervention
Ms. Vijaya Mahajan and
Dr. Dhananjay Lokhande
3.00 - 3.10 p.m
Urban Community-based Sexual Health Intervention
Dr. Pavitra Ravindra Alur and
Dr. R.M.Channaveer
3.10- 3.30 p.m
Shifting Social Work Intervention from Client Center to Passive Suffers: An Outcome of Social Work Research
Mr. Jitendra Gandhi & Dr. Satish Shirsath

3.30-3.40 p.m
Social work research and field practice
Dr. Manisha Shirodker
3.40- 3.50pm

Innovations in Social Work Research

Dr. Indira Choudhary and Dr. D.K. Laldas
3.50 to 4.20 p.m
Technical Session-III
Topic: “Innovations in Field Work Practices: An Indigenous Perspective”

Dr. Geeta Balakrishnan,
Nirmala Niketan College of Social Work,

Paper Presentation
(Theme: Innovations in Field Work )
Chair person for the Session
Dr. Satish Shirsath
Coordinator:Mr. Sandeep Jagdale

4.30-4.40 p.m
Innovations in Field Work Evaluation
Dr. Jayashree  Mehta     and Dr. S.V. Hippargi

4.40-4.50 p.m
Residential Field work in Rural Community:
A New Initiative in Social Work Practicum
Mr. Umesh Gadekar, Mr. Amol Minchekar

4.50-5.00 p.m
Extending Rural Camps: Transforming Observers into Contributors
Dr. Hemalatha K and  Ms. Pitambari Josalkar
5.10-5.20 p.m
Progressive Learning through Fieldwork with Integration of Theory
(Efforts of URCD Dept. Karve Institute, Pune.)
Ms. Ujwala Masdekar

Paper Presentation-IV (Parallel Session)
(Theme: Innovations in Field Work )
Chair person for the Session
Dr. Jagdish Jadhav
Coordinator: Mr. Abhay Jadhav

4.30-4.40 p.m
Innovations in Social Work Field Practicum
Ms. Savitha Y.D

4.40-4.50 p.m
A Case Study of Capacity Building Progmme for
Anganwad Teachers through Field Action Project
Ms Sharmila Ramteke

4.50-5.00 p.m
Seven deadly Sins of the NPO :- call for Governance and Management -Field  Assignments  in  field work placement organizations of MSW programme

Mr. Mahesh Thakur
7th Sept 2013


Programme Details

Resource Person

10.00 to 10.30 a.m
Technical Session-V
Topic: “Promotion of indigenous Innovations in Social Work Practice: Current status and Future Perspectives”
Dr. Channaveer R. M,
Head, School and Behavioral Sciences, Central University of Karnataka, Gulbarga

Paper Presentation
(Theme: Contemporary Reflections on Innovations in Social Work Education, Practice and Research )
Chair person for the Session
Dr. C.A.Joshi
Coordinator: Mr. Sandeep Jagdale
10.30- 10.40
Social Work Education: Transition From Conventional To Innovative Teaching-Learning Methods

Dr. Nisha Waghmare
10.40-10.50 a.m
Evidence Based Clinical Social Work Intervention for Caregiver Burden in Schizophrenia: A Case Analysis and Discussion
Mr. Anvar Sadath, Mr. Muralidhar. D and
Mr. Justin P Jose

10.50-11.00 a.m
Village Knowledge and Resource Center– An Initiative for Rural Development

Mr.Abhay M. Jadhav and
Dr. Dhananjay lokhande
11.00-11.10 a.m
Effective Use of PRA for the Intervention of Equitable Water Distribution: A Study of three Villages in Chikotrabasin
Mr. Amol Minchekar, Mr. Umesh Gadekar

11.10 -11.20am
Summer Placement Training” An Innovative Collective Learning Experimentation; Endeavor of URCD Specialization, Department of Social Work, Walchand College, Solapur
Mr. Mahesh Chougule
11.20-11.30 a.m
Empowerment Based Social Work Practice: An Approach for Integrated Sustainable Development
Mr. Prakash Marpady & Mr. Mohan Singhe
 Use of Creative Literature in Teaching Social Work
Dr. Babasaheb Kazi


2.00 to 3.00 pm
Strength base Social Work Practice
Dr.Venkat Pulla,
Charles Sturt University, Australia.
3.00-3.20 p.m
                                          Feedback from the participants                                                                                           Mr. Mahesh Chougule
3.20 to 4.00 p.m
Valedictory Session and Certificate Distribution
                               Dr. Nisha Waghmare
4.00-4.20 p.m
Vote of Thanks
Mr. Jitendra Gandhi

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